Contact & FAQs

If you are a school head, teacher, or company and you would like to participate in the project, please use our dedicated contact forms on the Get Involved! page.

If have general inquiries, please use the contact form below!

We are looking forward to hear from you!

Girls Go Circular – Frequently Asked Questions

Our answers to your frequently asked questions.

What is the difference between the Girls Go Circular project and the Circular Learning Space?

Girls Go Circular is an EU-funded project that aims to close the digital gender gap by empowering 40,000 girls in Southern and Eastern Europe to acquire digital and entrepreneurial skills through training on the circular economy. The Circular Learning Space is the online platform where the students can access the project’s learning programme.

Are boys allowed to participate in the learning programme?

While project aims to close the digital gender gap, digital skills and the circular economy have no gender. Boys are also invited to participate in the learning programme, especially in collaborative environments with girls. Having mixed learning groups adds value: we all learn together to deconstruct gender stereotypes and biases, and we all need digital skills for our lives and careers.

How can the learning platform be used in schools?

The Circular Learning Space supports schools in Europe in building digital skills with their students and empowering them to reflect on important societal challenges. The learning programme can support different subjects, from English to civic education, from science to economics.

What is the role of teachers in the online learning programme?

Teachers play a fundamental role as facilitators guiding students through the learning programme. They support students in understanding and reflecting on key content and in navigating the challenges presented in the different modules.

Will teachers receive support to implement the programme?

Yes. A guidebook to support teachers is available, and dedicated training sessions will be organised regularly.

How many modules should be completed to participate in the project?

The minimum requirement is to complete three modules: the two introductory modules “Online Safety and Etiquette” and the “Circular Economy” and one thematic module of your choice. However, we encourage the students to complete as many learning modules as possible.

What is the average duration of the learning programme?

The duration of the learning progamme based on the minimum requirement (see question above) is around four hours. Teachers and students can also decide to go at a slower pace, and to complete the programme over several days or weeks.

Can students participate independently or only in the classroom?

The learning programme was mainly designed as a tool for virtual or in-person class environments. It involves group challenges and activities, as well as individual learning. For this reason, it can be also partially conducted by individual users. Therefore, interested students can also complete it by themselves.

Will I receive a certificate for my participation in the project?

After successful completion of the learning programme, students receive a micro-certification that endorses the skills and competences acquired. Teachers will also be granted a certificate recognising their contribution to implementing the Girls Go Circular project in their country.

How do I apply to participate in the learning programme?

Interested schools and teachers can contact us directly via the form above. Interested students who wish to complete the programme by themselves can create an account here and immediately start learning!

What languages is the learning programme currently available in? Why are other languages not available?

The learning programme is currently available in Bulgarian, English, Italian, Greek, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, Slovenian, and Ukrainian. This is because those countries were involved in the project from the start. As the project progresses, we plan to translate the learning programme into more languages, especially from Southern and Eastern Europe. If your language is not available on the Circular Learning Space yet, you can challenge yourself and try to complete the programme in English or another language. You will not only learn about digital skills and the circular economy but also improve your language competencies.

Ready to get started?

Get in touch, or create an account